St. Brigid’s GAA Club Newsletter | Issue 2, March 2025
Welcome to issue II of our club Newsletter. We would love to hear from you; to contribute to future issues, please email stbrigidsgaanewsletter@gmail.com
Coming up in this issue:
➔ Recent Highlights
➔ Dates For Your Diary
➔ St. Patrick’s Weekend
➔ Easter Camps
➔ ClubZap - Update
➔ ExWell Medical at St. Brigid’s GAA Club
➔ Ga Ga Man Shed Tour
➔ Book your Team night in the club NOW!
➔ Volunteers Needed
➔ Important club notes for members
Recent Club Highlights | On and off the Pitch/Court
Over €26,000 raised from the GAA National Club Draw ticket sales. Huge thanks to everyone who supported the club through this fundraiser.

Congratulations to club player Molly on her Dublin Minors squad debut against Meath.

Bradys of Castleknock continue their St. Brigid’s GAA sponsorship, supporting 600 young athletes in our juvenile division. Established in 1973. Bradys of Castleknock is a family-owned and operated dealership and a long-standing supporter of our club. From their founder Gerry’s deep passion for GAA and his coaching career with the Juniors to Harry playing on the Senior Men’s team alongside Ally and the gang cheering on the side-lines, we are very grateful for their tremendous support.
You can fi nd out more about Bradys of Castleknock here.

Our Senior Ladies organised a fabulous Breakfast Fundraiser in the club. Thanks to all who supported and Minister Jack Chambers for popping in to also support the event.

A brilliant turnout for the Féile Fundraiser Quiz and thank you to all who supported and well done to the organisers.
Dates for your diary
13th March | Women in Sport Handball Event
7.30pm in Russell Park | More info in the article below.
15th March | No Nurseries this bank holiday weekend.
Nurseries return 22nd March.
17th March | Blanchardstown St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Meeting at 11am | More info in the article below.
14 - 17th April | St. Brigid’s GAA Club Easter Camps
More info in the article below.
29th April | GaGa Man Shed Kilmainham Gaol Tour
More info in the article below.
23rd May | St. Brigid’s GAA Golf Classic 2025
Details below and info on registration and sponsorship to follow re ClubZap
16 - 27th June | Mini Leagues

If you have May or June date* reminders you would like included in the next Newsletter please send a short summary of the relevant information to stbrigidsgaanewsletter@gmail.com
* Please note only official club events can be included
Women in Sport | Handball Event
With the support of Fingal County Council, this initiative focuses on women’s participation in sport and encourages more people to get involved. If you missed it but would like to fi nd out more about getting involved please contact ⓘ Siobhan | 085-1490583
Blanchardstown St. Patrick’s Day Parade
St. Brigid’s GAA Club is proud to participate in the Blanchardstown St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Monday, March 17th 2025.
Meeting Point: Scoil Bhríde Blanchardstown (opposite the Bell Pub)
Meeting Time: 11:00 | Wear your St. Brigid’s GAA club gear/ club colours proudly and join in the fun back in the Clubhouse afterwards. ⓘ Niamh Moloney | 087-7791930

Reminder: No Nursery this bank holiday weekend.
Nursery will return March 22nd.

St. Brigid’s GAA Club Easter Camps

All Club Members age 6 - 12 years old are welcome to join our fun Easter Camps 14-17th April from 10:00 - 14:00 daily.
Places are limited and the booking link is below.
GaGa Man Shed Kilmainham Gaol Tour
Tommy has organised a GaGa Man Shed day out to Kilmainham Gaol on 29th April 2025 at 3pm. Places at €6 per person are limited to 20 on a fi rst- come, fi rst-served basis and can be booked by texting Tommy Tuite 087-2476847.

Update on ClubZap
The benefi ts for our club:
★ Compliant with child protection, data protection, photo consent and GAA policies
★ Safe and secure club communications
★ Simplifi ed weekly schedules for households all in one place
★ Strengthen and streamline club communications, including news updates for all members
★ Facilitate communications between coaches, players and parents
★ Official record keeping
Thanks to everyone who has downloaded ClubZap to date. If you have not yet had a chance to download please download today via link or QR below.

Download ClubZap: https://clubzap.page.link/Jr6QLTS3FzEPJaUZA
Or Scan the QR below or simply search for in the App store or Google Play.

ExWell Medical at St. Brigid’s GAA Club
ExWell Medical offers supervised exercise classes to people with various chronic long-term illnesses across the country, with services now available at St. Brigid’s GAA Club.
Weekly Class Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00
Class levels: All ages and levels, from gentle to advanced
Class Costs: €60 per month (unlimited classes) or €40 for a 4-class pack.
Referrals must come from medical professionals, please contact the dedicated St. Brigid’s contact, Fionn, below for further details.
ⓘ St. Brigid’s Programme Lead: Fionn Delaney
Contact: Fionn at fdelaney@exwell.ie or 085-2323588 for St Brigid’s related queries.
You can also fi nd out more about Exwell Medical services here.

As we look towards the summer, we are asking each age group to book a night at the Clubhouse. Whether it’s a quiz night, live music or a social get-together, we’re excited to hear your ideas. Please ensure that your team books a night before the summer with Timmy and let the communications team know so we can share the details.
Looking forward to some great nights ahead.
Book with Timmy | 086-2719480
Pop a note to the Communications Team | pro.stbrigids.dublin@gaa.ie

★ Coaches
★ Female Liaison Officer
★ Team Admins
★ St. Brigid’s GAA Club Coffee Shop
ⓘ We would love to hear from you if you have capacity to volunteer.
Please email secretary.stbrigids.dublin@gaa.ie quoting Volunteer | Coach/ FLO/ Team Admin/ Coffee Shop, as applicable, in the subject line.
Re-turn Bins at the Club
Thanks to those supporting the club by donating their Re-turn aluminum cans or plastic bottles, in the yellow bin beside the All Weather pitch. Please use alternative bins in the club for general waste/non Re-turn recycling, especially coffee cups.

Safety Notice for All Members
We kindly ask all drivers to exercise caution and drive slowly in the car park, as many young members are present.
Parents and Coaches, please remind your children and those in your care to use the pedestrian crossings and to enter and exit the pitches only through designated fence openings.
Bicycles should not be brought onto or cycled on any pitch. Please use the designated bike shed for all bicycle parking.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our club members and visitors safe!

Here’s how to keep up to date with club news each week:
Download app

Follow @StBrigidsGAA on X
Follow St Brigid’s GAA on Facebook

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh.
St. Brigid’s Abú